Level Measurement for IMO Type C Tank Single shell for LPG

Marine Level measurement using modern radar technology increases safety and efficiency
Level Measurement for IMO Type C Tank Single shell for LPG

Solutions to address customer challenges with marine level measurement

The use of LPG in the marine industry has been topical for a few years and is most used on LPG carriers. With changing trends, the new fuel applications are more demanding when it comes to level measurement compared to conventional fuel tanks. For new applications there is no solution to fit them all, instead a verity of solutions is needed.

Single shell type C tanks with a tank volume of less than 1000 m3, and operational temperature and pressure at -48°C to 20°C and up to 20 bar and less than 15 m in height, are feasible to be used for LPG. Radar technology is ideal for this application since it has a vertical cold box with process connections on top of the tank. Solutions used for this applications must be IGF code compliant and approved by marine class societies.

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