Monitor and Control Anode and Cathode Slurry Quality in Lithium-Ion Battery Production

Achieve the correct electrode thickness with automated, inline viscosity measurement and control
Lithium-Ion Battery

Produce high-quality anode and cathode electrodes

In lithium-ion battery manufacturing, the cathode and anode slurry are mixed in separate batch processes. The output of each batch of the mixture must meet a target viscosity—a critical control parameter that ensures a homogeneous coating thickness of the slurry on to the metal foil. Coating thickness deviations can result in a poor-quality battery that does not meet capacity requirements, including variable ion transfer rate and hence unpredictable battery lifetime and recharge cycle time.

The Micro Motion Fork Viscosity Meter is an ideal inline measurement solution for monitoring and controlling the viscosity of both the anode and cathode in the slurry mixing, coating and drying stages of the battery manufacturing process. With built-in temperature measurement, the Micro Motion Fork Viscosity Meter is capable of detecting viscosity changes within the process stream in real time, ensuring consistency and quality of the finished electrodes.

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